Testing smartBCH SHA-Gate2 Testnet Using CLI
Related GitHub repos:
- GitHub - smartbch/smartbch at shagate_test2
- GitHub - smartbch/cc-covenant: SHA-Gate2 CashScript covenants
- GitHub - smartbch/cc-contracts: SHA-Gate2 contracts
- GitHub - smartbch/cc-operator: SHA-Gate2 operator
- GitHub - smartbch/cc-monitor: A chain-crossing monitor for SHA-Gate
- GitHub - smartbch/cc-collector: Collector for smartBCH SHA-Gate2
SHA-Gate2 Testnet Services:
- Faucet:
- The smartBCH SHA-Gate2 is under active development and this doc will be updated according to it.
Step0, Prepare
Step1, Generate a BCH testnet P2PKH address
You can use cc-covenant/scripts/make-cc-utxo.ts
to do this:
$ git clone https://github.com/smartbch/cc-covenant
$ cd cc-covenant
$ npm install
$ MNEMONIC=cindy ts-node scripts/make-cc-utxo.ts list-utxo # replace cindy with your favorite name
The above command prints something like this:
WIF : L54T1iWuRBwwye9snRgr6T6cNDFoubhfgnaFDwAhZMV8KCtNJrqK
Pubkey : 02b20605271c9bfed2728b75dbf7c042855a6d32e9e627e2e87b617cd0f269cc05
PKH : 9b30e8592c267cdfe0f3ecbda76d6ad85696b5b0
CashAddr: bchtest:qzdnp6ze9sn8ehlq70ktmfmddtv9d944kqujnheqaw
quering UTXOs ...
utxos: []
Your BCH testnet address is bchtest:qzdnp6ze9sn8ehlq70ktmfmddtv9d944kqujnheqaw
and it has no BCH balance (UTXOs). You can send this address some test BCH through faucets like this one. After that, you can query it again:
quering UTXOs ...
utxos: [
txid: 'db63e97ecad9a9588a6109f0eb9c0e2c03e84d1a784c3b2731d22a68d38c4e73',
vout: 0,
satoshis: 10100000,
height: 0
Step2, Transfer BCH to smartBCH
To transfer BCH from BCH testnet to smartBCH testnet, you need to know the SHA-Gate2 testnet cc-covenant P2SH address. You can use cc-covenant/cc-covenant-testnet.ts
to query it:
$ cd cc-covenant
$ ts-node cc-covenant-testnet.ts print-covenant-info
The above command prints a lot of information, what we care about now is the last three lines:
redeemScriptHash: 6ad3f81523c87aa17f1dfa08271cf57b6277c98e
cashAddr: bchtest:pp4d87q4y0y84gtlrhaqsfcu74akya7f3c54m3nhzk
oldAddr: 2N2z5YVDehL1TAmMJbWmXimnFF6d5iA45VY
The cc-covenant address is bchtest:pp4d87q4y0y84gtlrhaqsfcu74akya7f3c54m3nhzk
. Now, you can send this address some BCH using cc-covenant/script/make-cc-utxo.ts
$ cd cc-covenant
$ MNEMONIC=cindy ts-node scripts/make-cc-utxo.ts spend-utxo \
--to=bchtest:pp4d87q4y0y84gtlrhaqsfcu74akya7f3c54m3nhzk \
--utxo=db63e97ecad9a9588a6109f0eb9c0e2c03e84d1a784c3b2731d22a68d38c4e73:0 \
--amt=200000 \
--txfee=1000 \
The subcommand is spend-utxo
, and the options are:
: the cc-covenant address -
: the txid and vout of your UTXO, separated by a colon -
: the transfer amount in Satoshi -
: the tx fee you give BCH miner in Satoshi -
: the recipient address on the smartBCH side
The command will print BCH tx detail like this:
"inputs": [
"outpointIndex": 0,
"outpointTransactionHash": "<Uint8Array: 0xdb63e97ecad9a9588a6109f0eb9c0e2c03e84d1a784c3b2731d22a68d38c4e73>",
"sequenceNumber": 4294967295,
"unlockingBytecode": "<Uint8Array: 0x4830450221009ae4d311a5c53df2e536fa43f409b468838ac1510e9eb9c0bda1e5ee2c932c1602204e2e21fdc14c58ee15d18a807f3dc88651d35978740a3cbcdbcb14016deaf7bc412102b20605271c9bfed2728b75dbf7c042855a6d32e9e627e2e87b617cd0f269cc05>"
"locktime": 0,
"outputs": [
"lockingBytecode": "<Uint8Array: 0xa9146ad3f81523c87aa17f1dfa08271cf57b6277c98e87>",
"satoshis": "<Uint8Array: 0x400d030000000000>"
"lockingBytecode": "<Uint8Array: 0x76a9149b30e8592c267cdfe0f3ecbda76d6ad85696b5b088ac>",
"satoshis": "<Uint8Array: 0xf80b970000000000>"
"lockingBytecode": "<Uint8Array: 0x6a2a307841623544363237383845323037363436664136304542336545624443343335384337463536383663>",
"satoshis": "<Uint8Array: 0x0000000000000000>"
"version": 2,
"txid": "a2e84c3c2ec3e536583f3a20ee9948c5972712eb33c3aa77e5c93d8e7c41a585",
"hex": "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"
You can also watch your tx using BCH testnet explorer. After about 3 confirmations, the cc-UTXO will be handled by smartBCH testnet.
Step3, startRescan and handleUTXO by Hand
The SHA-Gate2 testnet need cc-monitor’s help to work. Normally, the cc-monitor will do its job, but in case it doesn’t you can do it by yourself. You can use this command to see the latest BCH height that the SHA-Gate2 testnet handled:
$ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"sbch_getCcInfo","params":[],"id":1}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" | jq
It prints something like this:
"lastCovenantAddress": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"currCovenantAddress": "0x6Ad3f81523c87aa17f1dFA08271cF57b6277C98e",
"lastRescannedHeight": 1529816,
"rescannedHeight": 1529818,
"rescanTime": 1670383139,
"utxoAlreadyHandled": false,
If its fall behind, use this command to tell it to catch up:
$ git clone https://github.com/smartbch/cc-contracts.git
$ cd cc-contracts
$ npm install
$ KEY=0x<your SHA-Gate2 testnet private key> \
HARDHAT_NETWORK=shagate_test1 \
node scripts/cc_test_tool.js start-rescan --height 1529827
Wait a while, and use this command to tell it to handle cc-UTXOs:
$ cd cc-contracts
$ KEY=0x<your SHA-Gate2 testnet private key> \
HARDHAT_NETWORK=shagate_test1 \
node scripts/cc_test_tool.js handle-utxos
Then, you can query redeemable cc-UTXOs use this command:
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{
}' | jq
The output looks like this:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"result": {
"infos": [
"ownerOfLost": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"covenantAddr": "0x6ad3f81523c87aa17f1dfa08271cf57b6277c98e",
"isRedeemed": false,
"redeemTarget": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"expectedSignTime": 0,
"txid": "0x7832ade94f5d0998baff1a91373b5f7e93ce278fad323fcc6783b772517503a9",
"index": 0,
"amount": "0x30d40",
"txSigHash": "0x"
"ownerOfLost": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"covenantAddr": "0x6ad3f81523c87aa17f1dfa08271cf57b6277c98e",
"isRedeemed": false,
"redeemTarget": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"expectedSignTime": 0,
"txid": "0xa2e84c3c2ec3e536583f3a20ee9948c5972712eb33c3aa77e5c93d8e7c41a585",
"index": 0,
"amount": "0x30d40",
"txSigHash": "0x"
"signature": "0xc30389b7ee45686fea012e4a00da7cc534391bd43bddd4720fbb9988e4bf61da27efcaed9f8db848506984339282e5fb493ed30149093e51f3734540db88b30701"
Step4, redeem BCH
You can transfer BCH from smartBCH testnet to BCH testnet by redeeming one of redeemable cc-UTXOs. For example:
$ cd cc-contracts
$ KEY=0x<your SHA-Gate2 testnet private key> \
HARDHAT_NETWORK=shagate_test1 \
node scripts/cc_test_tool.js redeem \
--txid=0xa2e84c3c2ec3e536583f3a20ee9948c5972712eb33c3aa77e5c93d8e7c41a585 \
--index=0 \
--amount=0.002 \
This time, we use redeem
subcommand. The options are:
: the txid of redeemable cc-UTXO -
: the vout of redeemable cc-UTXO -
: the value of cc-UTXO in BCH -
: the recipient address on the BCH side (the PKH part in step1’s output)
Please wait a while to let SHA-Gate2 testnet and its coordinators (cc-operators and cc-collector) handle the transfer. Congrats, you just finished your test on smartBCH SHA-Gate2 testnet. We are still working hard at improving the SHA-Gate2 now, thank you for your patience.